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I really enjoy [Your Favorite Hobby] and here are some places on the Web that I find particularly interesting.

  • Society for Creative Anachronism
    I started out studying Medieval History. I bought a computer to write papers. Wound up breaking it.  Needed to learn how to fix it.  Found out I liked fixing the damn things so fixing computers became the hobby.  I also discovered the Society for Creative Anachronism.  Somewhere in college something did a 180°. Now I work in the IT industry during the week and play with Medieval history on the weekends.
  • Travel
    I love to travel.  Best trip I’ve ever taken was three weeks spent hiking on the Great Wall of China. To see my photos of China (no, I will not inflict upon you all 1200 photos that I took on that trip, just a small selection) come view my Photo Gallery.

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